A simple blog about food, cooking, family, friends and the fun of ultra running. From the eyes of Chef Bill Bailey.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Runner's Playing With Knives & Fire

Monday night The VR Training Group presented a nutrition and cooking demonstration seminar.
Sports Nutritionist Melissa Rittenhouse spoke about nutrition for runners and preparing for a long run or race.
I prepared meals and explained how runners can get just what they need to fuel their body's for a long run or race.
We had a lot of fun, and eat a lot of food. 16 people attend the presentation; I prepared 4 different recipes for all to taste. I had one runner, who never cooked Risotto, prepare the Risotto recipe. Then I had another runner (mike), come up to chop, cut and play with some knives.
I've been doing these cooking demo's for about 6 years now. There's always something that doesn't go as planned. No matter how many times I've presented a recipe in the passed or study my notes, I have always had a glitch. The celebrity chefs on the Food Network have cameras and can yell, "CUT!!", "Take Two!" I am flying solo, I'm really cooking here. Monday night was no exception, I thought I read my notes correctly, but I add saffron to Quinoa recipe when it was supposed to go into the Risotto. So we created a new dish, other than that all went well. Everyone enjoyed the recipes even the new one.

I will soon have a link to my website to print all of my recipes but for now you can get the rcipes from the vertical runner bulletin board

Here are some pictures of the seminar.Our guest chef is sauteing onions before adding the Risotto

I'm explaining, you got to keep stirring the risotto so it doesn't stick and Mike on my right trying not to chop of a finger.

Nick & Vince Our VR Training Coaches

Sports Nutritionist Melissa Rittenhouse reviewing nutritional information

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