A simple blog about food, cooking, family, friends and the fun of ultra running. From the eyes of Chef Bill Bailey.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Water Falls Trail Run

Saturday December 29th

Special Addition of the Saturday Morning Group Run to close out 2007:Begin at Lock 29 at 6:30amHead up the "Brick Hill" to Pine LaneVia the Buckeye Trail to the Boston StoreLoop the Winter 50K Brandywine Falls LoopThen take the Buckeye Trail north to Blue Hen FallsNext we will head on the trail to Buttermilk FallsPop out behind Boston Mills Ski ResortTake Riverview Rd back to the Boston StoreFinish up the run by taking the Valley trail back to Pine Lane
Enjoy the downhill finish back to Lock 29Total Run Time = 2.5 to 3 Hours


E-Speed said...

How many miles is this run Bill?

Anonymous said...

yeah, i had the same question.

Brett S. said...

2.5-3 miles for a 17-18 mile trail run in the mud and cold. I'm thinking that I won't be with you guys very long if your running a 8:30-10:00 mile for 18 miles. Sounds like more of a race to me then a long trail run.