Messlia & I met at 8:30am(Boston Store) to run the Water Fall Route(Brandy Wine, Blue Hen and Buttermilk Falls). I wasn't sure exactly how many miles we would run but I figured about 10 miles. We started towards Brandy wine first, the towpath wasn't to bad, the snow was packed down, same with Stanford & Brandy wine trails. We had a little bit of ice to deal with, but all in all a fun run.
The Brandywine Inn we ran into a few cute kids playing in the yard.

Blue Hen Falls

I spotted a really tall troll living behind ButterMilk Falls

I love it! The ironic thing is that you seem to have more of a prob falling in water :)
What's with the camoflauge pants? For a second their I thought that she didn't have any legs becuase I couldn't see them in all the trees?
Tell her to wear white next time if she wants to hide.
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